There are multiple ways of separating the data from that point:

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In the event that you pick the main strategy, you want to associate a vacant drive to a QNAP gadget, boot it, and make another virtual plate of a similar size as the past one. From that point forward, duplicate the reestablished document to this new drive.


The primary strategy is to Pen Drive Recovery software operability of the organization drive with QNAP.

The subsequent one is to stack the picture to our program, filter it and recuperate the fundamental information.

Instructions to reestablish operability of the organization drive

Qnap NAS control board - interfacing another drive to iSCSI

To duplicate the picture document, interface the two drives to a Linux PC or utilize different instruments to get to the QNAP record framework.

From that point forward, duplicate the reestablished document into the index you have quite recently made. Do it with the assistance of the Terminal as the need might arise to change over this picture into an inadequate record. Utilize the order for duplicating - "cp."

The boundary - - sparse=always is utilized to change it into an inadequate document.

Duplicating picture with Linux Terminal

On the off chance that the record size is enormous, the duplicating system will take a great deal of time.

The Terminal shows no data on the situation with the replicating system, yet you can see it in the framework screen: it shows how much data that is now duplicated, so you can gauge how long you need to pause.

Since the document has been replicated to the dis, run the accompanying order to really take a look at the outcome:

Open this catalog in the Terminal and type the order containing the document name.

As may be obvious, this record involves under 200 MB on the circle, despite the fact that it is shown as having the size of 330 GB. 1 GB, 10 GB. 5 GB.

It affirms the way that it has been changed over into an inadequate record during the duplicate activity.

After the effective duplicating, you ought to change the arrangement document - supplant the new organization drive's name with the name that you really want.

Interface the plate to a QNAP gadget and boot it. Use Winscp or one more utility to set up association with the server. Determine the IP address, login, secret word and sign in.

A distant association with the Qnap gadget

Of course, Winscp doesn't perceive stowed away documents; first of all, make such records apparent as this registry might be covered up. Open the settings - Boards - Show stowed away records.

WinSСP settings for showing stowed away records

Then follow this way/mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config, find a record with the name iscsi_trgt.conf and open it. Track down the line LunMetapath and supplant the name of the new LUN with the name of the document that you have reestablished (iSCSI-q330-606d5c77.000).

Altering the Qnap setup document

The figure "001" toward the end shows the number of parts your ISCSI that has. For my situation, it just comprises of one drive.

Remember to save changes. Assuming that you have a few drives, you really want to change every one of their names.

Reboot the QNAP gadget and hold on until it is prepared once more. Presently open the iSCSI initiator once more and reconnect the circle. All from that point forward, the plate with its documents ought to show up in the Traveler.

Really looking at the circle

Step by step instructions to recuperate information from an iSCSI picture document

For the subsequent technique, you really want to "feed" record to Pen Drive Recovery Assault Recuperation.

Open the utility, leap to the tab "Devices" and snap "Mount". Give the way to the picture with the goal that the utility showcases it in the "pictures" field. Select "All documents" here, then, at that point, pick it and snap "Open".

Transfer the picture to Pen Drive Recovery Strike Recuperation

The mounted drive will show up in the Drive Chief. Right-click on it and pick "Open", then select "Full examination", determine the record framework and snap "Next", and afterward "Finish" when the cycle is finished. The program has found and shown the information put away on the organization drive. To have them back, select the ones you want, click "Recuperation", give the way to save the documents, and snap that button once more. At the point when the cycle is finished, you will find the recuperated documents in the envelope you have picked.

The consequence of record recuperation

As may be obvious, the subsequent technique is a lot more straightforward. On the off chance that LUN was not taken out, yet the issue was brought about by a NAS gadget disappointment, all you want to do is to mount the plate picture in the program and recuperate the data.


Recuperating Pen Drive Recovery from iSCSI LUN is no simple undertaking and it requires extraordinary abilities - and specific instruments. Our program will assist you with improving on this interaction since it can recuperate information from a harmed NAS gadget.
