How Does THC Work?

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When you are learning more about cannabis, you will quickly learn that there are different components that come with it and that these individual components can be used in different ways. Yes, it is possible to get pure cannabis, but when you get products for your health or to help you feel better, then you may get ones that have just the individual components of cannabis in them, such as THC. But what is THC and why do you need to know about it?


Most of the mind-altering effects and the side effects that come with cannabis come due to the THC. This is the primary psychoactive molecule that is found inside of the cannabis plant. The reason that THC is going to have some of these mood altering effects is because it can bind to special receptors that cover the surface of most of the cells in the brain THC is a 3D shape that is similar to the natural molecules that are already made in our brain called anandamide.


The effects that we notice with THC often happen due to the binding hat happens during the CB1 receptor. When the THC is able to attach there, it will assist you in feeling and thinking differently, just like what you would see if the anandamide molecule showed up there too. This receptor is in the regions of the brain involved in:

-- Thinking

-- Emotions

-- Planning

-- Pain

-- Learning

-- Bodily movements


In many cases, THC is the compound that is involved in providing relief from pain. There are also some dose-dependent effects that come with THC. Mainly, if you are going to have some unwanted side effects from THC, you will not notice them until you start to take some of the higher doses of THC, much higher than what most people will agree to work with. It is still important to be careful though because many of the new strains of cannabis being manufactured are stronger than they were in the past. You may be taking in more of the THC than you realize, so always ask before you try to take it.


THC is a great compound to use from cannabis to ensure that you take care of the body and can handle pain and other issues along the way. If you are ready to see what cannabis and THC can do for you, then it is time to take a look at our cannabis clinic to help. We are happy to answer your questions, show you some of the options, and make sure that you fully understand what cannabis can do for you.
