God I hate the entire world lol.

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Now it's"You can't understand or speak about this problem unless you've got the perfect identity designation." All those years of work you put into to bridge the Animal Crossing New Horizons Bells difference of individual experience by putting in the effort to understand other people's experiences? Invalid.

The word"compassion" now means"empathy" so that empathizing means adopting the correct story based on the mob's emotional appeal.

I'm really really not one of these conspiracy nut jobs however this has to be a sort of concerted effort by the men and women who gain most from us maybe not being much better to one another.

Like we spent literally decades trying to just understand and accept each other as fellow human beings, the LGBT movement has been launched and concentrated solely on making it understood that they are just like everyone else and deserve the very same rights, they just wanted to be seen as regular people that happen to also be gay. The same thing happened with the Civil rights movement. We aren't different because of our skin color so treat us as people has become give me special status... now suddenly everything is appropriation, everything isn't any I'm special because of X thing about myself that is immutable and that I did absolutely nothing to earn respect but you will respect me for it anyway.

I think about it like we had been a scattered deck of cards and after we finally got the heap together and all the hearts/diamonds/spades/clovers back together so we could function as a whole... a person fucking came together and decided to play 52 card pickup.

God I hate the entire world lol. These individuals have actually grown up being told that they are appropriate by their own circles on the internet too and simply start to embody it as real people in tasks now and when the real world does not fit their Twitter bubble they freak the fuck out

There is a quote a like but I do not remember who said it when unfortunately and it goes something like"it's easier to convince a man he's being duped then it's to convince him he is the idiot" and I think it's actually important here

Basically there is a demographic of people who are mad and possibly even rather intelligent (but very considerate ) who when faced by the buy Animal Crossing Items truth of their own mistakes and failures instead decide that it is reality that is incorrect. Ego is a nightmare of a drug.Mark twain said"its easier to fool a man than to convince him he has been duped." Not certain if that's what you are referring to. Either way It really is mad the lengths people will go to rather than own up into a error.
