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God redeems, He restores. Problems don't go away but your faith outgrows the situation. What torments you today shall not hurt you more.


Recover your wasted bullets.

All your wasted opportunities and all the wasted chances God shall put you back to position.

Failure is not a problem but the failure to try again is the problem. God can remove all the pit holes. People try but not enough to defeat doubts in the head. Many miracles Jesus did and in most of the faith was the formulae. God is the changer who never changes, he can change your situation. 

When God is about to restore you, afew things have to change. 

  1. Perspective: think with a different dimension. Same formula will give you same result.
  2. Build on the right foundations:  poor planing results in enormous weakness. The whole vision must be planted in strong foundations. Most investment is to be put on the initial early steps. 
  3. Learn from failure: this the best experience one can learn from. This the best teacher there can be.
  4. Change your lifestyle: you don't have to be like everybody, its boring. Try and be you. Start chazing dreams apply strategy with every situation.

You are on your way to recoveries, now listen only to positive thoughts. Kill every negative replay of failures. In all this you need to pray, and fast. Jesus told his disciples that somethings cannot obey without fast and prayer. 

